
My upcoming DJ Avaruusveli gigs in Finland have new dates and they have been updated on this site. Hyrylä Hardcore Gathering is going to take place on 15th of August in Tuusula and MyrrysDimensio is happening on 25th of September in Tampere. Depending on the circumstances of course that is. Things are quite safe in Finland at the moment. The amount of new COVID-19 cases has dropped significantly and venues are opening again. Some gigs that were planned abroad later this summer are not very likely to happen the way things look like now. I will post updates here if things change.

I’m working on collaborations with a few people. I think that collaboration will be some kind of theme in my next EP. More on that sooner or later.

Wishing you all good health. There are many views and realities expressed on what is going on and what should be done. I don’t want to go too deep into all that. From what I’ve seen so far, the virus seems to be real. Stay safe and stay vigilant about future(, past and present) developments. Remember, that you have freedom over your own body. Listen to good music, dance and keep in touch with nature if it’s possible in your area.