
The summer is over and heading towards refreshing cold air and introspective darkness. Here are some Hiiden Virren Vinguttajat memories from summer.

Hiiden Virren Vinguttajat live @ Kosmos Festival 2018

Hiiden Virren Vinguttajat – Lenti Halki Taivon

This is something we were also playing at gigs in summer.

I’ve been back to school for about 2 months now after holidays. Studying tv broadcast related stuff this autumn and in spring finally getting into advanced sound design studies. As you may have noticed, I’ve been more busy with the Hiiden Virren Vinguttajat live sets recently than Teknoaidi. I’m also working on one Teknoaidi track in collaboration with Shatterling, which is planned to be released on the next Kovaydin.NET compilation that should be out at the turn of the year. In addition, there are plans for a new kind of online radio show in December.. Stay tuned!