
I’ve been dedicating this autumn and early winter for online stuff as well as visiting some native Finno-Ugric, Central-Asian and Siberian related music events for inspiration. In this post I will tell about some latest news and upcoming radio shows.

Electroacoustic jamming sessions in a yurt

Last month Hiiden Virren Vinguttajat had an intimate portable electroacoustic jamming session in a suburban yurt in Tampere. I was playing my shaman drum. Here is some footage..

The circle shape of the yurt, the stove and the candles definitely gave the place a special feeling and sacred energy. I could understand why shamans use yurts for their ceremonies. We’re hoping to do this kind of session again sometime in the future!

Interview on Junkie Kut’s Broadcast 23

On 23rd of November I will be interviewed in the first episode of Junkie Kut’s Broadcast 23. The interview will go deeper into the ideas behind shamancore. Check out the show here:

Intergalactic Core Transmission

I also started another webradio show of my own, this time on HardSoundRadio-HSR. It’s called Intergalactic Core Transmission and is focused on psycore, flashcore, shamancore, atmospheric speedcore, etc. artists from around the globe. The first episode features live sets by Don’ttouchmebitch! [RU], Sadistic [UK/TH], Hiiden Virren Vinguttajat, ADyy aka 0rinoco [JP], Icoste [FR], Mutant Core Resistance [AR], Satanoid [FI] and extremeOBSN [JP]. More info about the show here:

Twitter account

I created a Teknoaidi account on Twitter to have a better reach to the Japanese scene. Feel free to subscribe!